Wednesday, 16 May 2012


And so it really starts - tomorrow is Lift-off. I can't believe it is finally here. I am planning to head off at about 8.30am, and Jeff had suggested taking the Natchez Trail down to Mississippi - about 420 miles of absolute beauty; so I will take him up on that. It will take me about an hour to get to the start of the Trail, and then will play it by ear. Exciting and I have to say a little bit daunting. 

But really which route to take.......

The bike is ready to go although I had a little hiccup today - as I was adjusting my handle bar grips I sheared off one of the bolts which basically rendered the grips pretty much useless. Rushed down to the nearest bike shop, and they didn't have the Ergon GC3's so had to settle for the GC2's. Exactly the same except the GC3's have a larger extension off the side of the bars; but I thought no point wasting any more time waiting for some more to arrive, and I hardly ever use the extensions anyway, so will see how the new ones go. The other equipment is looking good, but I think I'm packing a bit heavy. 

Rear panniers are weighing in at 12 Kg each, the tent is at 3 Kg and the food bag is also at 10 Kg - this all goes on the rear rack. The rack can take 40 Kg so should be OK, but perhaps in the future I won't carry so much food. The front panniers are a mere 3 Kg each and the handlebar bag is also 3 Kg. I'll see how it all pans out. 
Me - 63.4 Kg; 5% Body Fat. Eat, boy, eat!!!!   

But what a day it was yesterday. At lunch time Jeff had set up an appointment with a recording studio for me to do a recording of a song I had written for this cycle trip in aid of Mary's Meals called 'Life Cycle'. We did a couple of takes for an acoustic version and it seemed to go well. Watch this space - I'll get it onto the blog in due course.
Such a huge thank you to David Henry for his time, his generosity and such professionalism - I am a complete novice and he made me feel so comfortable. That was truly an experience to cherish for the rest of my life - to do a recording in the music capital of the world!!!

In the evening, Jeff took me to the Bluebird Cafe to listen to live Bluegrass Music. Well, what can I say....speechless is the word. Absolutely amazing, and absolutely blown away. What a special experience.

1 comment:

  1. hey hoppie hope iuts going well the dream my friend......
