It is huge thank you to all at Grayshott Spa for another highly memorable stay - thanks for giving me work for the past 4 months - it has really helped me prepare for the Cycle trip. To the General Manager, Peter Wood, and my friend Todd, The Spa Manager, thank you so much once more.
To the therapists, the amazing chefs and all in the kitchen, the admin staff, Will and Linn on the Spa Reception, and the service staff, it has been a real pleasure working with you all again. I wish you all everything of the very best, and may very well see you again in the future.
Many blessings to you all!
A very exciting time - I leave for Nashville tomorrow morning. The last four months have taken a long time but have gone really quickly....if that makes sense! And I have a feeling of completion and new beginnings with the last of my Chinese Medicine Seminars completed at the weekend.
Early to bed and an early start tomorrow morning.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow my friend. All is prepared for your arrival this side.